The Brothers, through their ministry of charity and redemption, commit themselves to help all who suffer uncommon hardships, especially those who suffer for their faith or are poor.
Excerpt from the Constitutions of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity
Our Mission
In our world, people and nations suffer oppression because of old and new forms of slavery and wounded in the fundamental values of faith and justice. The Trinitarians, together with the Trinitarian family, choose to heed the yearning for liberation, and the cry of hope, and offer a service of mercy and redemption to the oppressed of our society and, in a special way, to the persecuted and discriminated against because of their religious faith, of fidelity to their conscience or to the values of the gospel
True to our redemptive mission, the Trinitarians wish to be an epiphany of Christ the Redeemer among people today, credible witnesses through whom God works and reveals his merciful and redemptive love.
The motto always present in the heart of every Trinitarian is "Gloria Tibi Trinitas et captivis libertas — Glory to you, O Trinity, and liberty to the captives".
True to our redemptive mission, the Trinitarians wish to be an epiphany of Christ the Redeemer among people today, credible witnesses through whom God works and reveals his merciful and redemptive love.
The motto always present in the heart of every Trinitarian is "Gloria Tibi Trinitas et captivis libertas — Glory to you, O Trinity, and liberty to the captives".
The Order of the Most Holy Trinity and of the Captives: Full Vocation Video

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How You’re Changing Lives
Provide the less fortunate yet deserving children support through scholarship programs.
Pastoral Ministry
Our priests model Christ’s redemptive presence in activities as diverse as ministering to the poor and elderly, infirm and imprisoned, leading pilgrimages; counseling; and guiding youth groups.
Persecuted Christians
Our work on behalf of persecuted Christians includes creating an awareness of the situation through various media and sending our priests and brothers as missionaries to places where Catholics are persecuted to provide Sacramental and spiritual support.
Our Community
Since 1198 we the Trinitarians have devoted ourselves for freedom of captives and helping communities from oppression and persecusion. Today many Christians are persecuted because of their faith and we are called to serve Christ through them.
Our lay partners have provided us necessary assistance through the different apostolate of the community. If you have the calling to help the persecuted, join us today and help bring the Good news of Christ to our persecuted brethren.
Through our programs we are able to provide the basic needs of a person, giving dignity and promoting human rights. It has been our mission to share Christ through concrete action.